Useful contact numbers and emails

We list some official contact numbers here that you may need to use. Most of these should provide interpreter services. If calling from abroad, you should be able to use the dialling code for the UK, +44 and remove the first zero.

Visas and immigration

  • UK Visas and Immigration Ukraine Helpline: 0808 164 8810. Use this number for questions about the Family and Homes for Ukraine schemes (but note that they can’t tell you about your application status). From outside the UK, it’s +44 808 164 8810. If you cannot contact UK 0808 numbers, use +44 175 390 7510.
  • For help with the visa application if you are unsure, try emailing
  • Escalating your visa application: If it has been more than 8 weeks, you can ring the Ukraine Visa Helpline on +44 808 164 8810 and ask for an escalation. You can also contact Settled at or Uspuk at, and request them to escalate on your behalf.
  • For help with immigration questions, you can contact Settled:
  • UKVI Resolution Centre: 0300 790 6268 or 0203 875 4669. Use this number for questions about your Immigration Account (eVisa).


  • Turn2Us helpline: 0808 802 2000: Use this number to request help with benefits calculations for example. Interpreters can be aranged.
  • Citizens Advice Universal Credit Help to Claim number (England): 0800 144 8444. Use this number to request help in applying for Universal Credit and for benefits calculations. Interpreters can be arranged.
  • Citizens Advice Universal Credit Help to Claim number (Scotland): 0800 023 2581. You can ask them about other benefits also.
  • Citizens Advice Universal Credit Help to Claim number (Wales): 0800 024 1220.
  • Government Universal Credit helpline: 0800 328 5644. Use this number for questions about Universal Credit. Call 0800 012 1331 instead if you are in Northern Ireland.
  • Government Pension Credit helpline and application number: 0800 99 1234. Use this number for questions about Pension Credit and to apply. Call 0808 100 6165 instead if you are in Northern Ireland.
  • Government Child Benefit helpline: 0300 200 3100 (or +44 161 210 3086 if you are outside the UK). Use this number for questions about Child Benefit and to report changes.

Tax and work

  • HMRC (for tax enquiries): 0300 200 3300 (+44 135 535 9022 if calling from abroad). There is also a webchat option. There is also extra support available: Get help from HMRC if you need extra support: Help you can get – GOV.UK ( HMRC offer an interpretation service if a customer is not able to speak English.
  • Acas (Advice, Conciliation and Arbitration Service): 0300 123 1100. Use this number for advice on your employment status and rights (Labour Relations Agency for Northern Ireland: 03300 555 300). Interpreters can be arranged.


  • Citizens Advice have multiple ways to contact them to ask for advice about any matter, including a webchat option so you can use translation tools to ask questions (though it can be difficult to get available advisers): see You may need to speak to your local branch if phoning.
  • Shelter for advice about renting, council housing and homelessness: (similar links for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland).
  • Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline: 08000 121 700. Use this number if you are being exploited or worried about someone else.

Some numbers listed are always free; others may be included in your mobile phone operator’s call allowance; others may be excluded. Check before dialling as you may be on hold for a long time. See

How to find your Member of Parliament

Type your postcode into the search box at this link to find your Member of Parliament (or MP):

It’s quite common here to contact them to ask them to intervene on your behalf when you have not had any success with the official routes.

How to find your local council

Type your postcode into the search box at this link to find your local council:

Each local council will have a Refugee Support team that you should be able to email for help, for example, if there are problems between sponsors and guests, or if you just need general assistance. Search for ‘Ukraine’ on the council website. We have started to compile email addresses for local councils here: Local Council Contacts.

Each local council will have the following departments that you may need to contact at various points (note that they may be called different things in different councils):