How organisations can help

This page covers just some examples where we have found Ukrainian (and other) refugees may like help but which are currently difficult to source affordably. We need national businesses to step up and provide these services for free or heavily discounted rates.

You may not have been able to send your business’s items and services as aid donations abroad when the invasion first happened, but what you have to offer may benefit people here in settling in and building their lives. Contact us if you can help.


Remember that many refugees will not be able to find work in their established professions and careers, due to the language barrier, and different applicable rules and regulations. They need to take up work in alternative professions with lower barriers to entry in order to survive. If you are willing to support refugees with finding suitable work, consider also offering on the job training and time off for English classes. See Finding Work for information on how you can reach out with details of your job opportunities through your local Job Centre, job fairs, organisations that support refugees and so on.

You can also join and advertise any opportunities on the following Facebook groups specifically for Ukrainians:

Rented accommodation

If you are a private landlord and would especially like to help Ukrainian refugees, we suggest contacting the local council refugee support team in the area where your property is located. They will know of people whose time with their hosts is coming to an end, and who are in need of a housing solution. They won’t necessarily know about people here on Family or Extension visas, but you could also seach for local Facebook support groups for Ukrainians and advertise there.

You can also join and advertise accommodation for rent on the following sites specifically for Ukrainians:

Bicycles and cars

It could be challenging for refugees to afford these items, especially if they have already paid for them once back home and had to leave them behind, or lived in city apartment blocks where they were not needed. Having independent means of transport starts to set them on the road to independent life in the UK, especially in more rural areas.

Companies could create various schemes to make a number of these more easily accessible to refugees. Children’s bikes and helmets could be included.

Laptops and devices

It could be challenging for refugees to afford these items, especially if they have left these behind.

Companies could create various schemes to make a number of these more easily accessible to refugees. In particular, local charities that have previously been involved in sending out refurbished laptops to allow children to study during the pandemic, may be able to take in similar items to distribute to refugees. One local charity we know of is running desperately low on stock.

Hair and personal care

Many refugees may have gone months now without getting a haircut. A chance to sit in a chair and be pampered for an hour for free is something they will appreciate. If you have a chain of businesses that is willing to help, please let us know.

Leisure activities

A number of organisations already offer reduced entry and prices to those on low incomes, or to refugees. If your organisation is willing to do the same, please get in touch so we can advertise this. See Sports and Leisure, Children’s Activities and Eating Out.